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NAMS Remembers Thomas B. Clarkson, DVM


Thomas B. Clarkson Jr, DVM
(June 13, 1931–December 1, 2015)
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Dr. Thomas B. Clarkson. Dr. Clarkson had been an Active Member of NAMS since 1993, and his contributions to the Society were numerous. These included serving as a member of the Editorial Board for Menopause, as a speaker at numerous Society Annual Meetings, and as a member of many NAMS committees. He was the recipient of the NAMS Soy Research Award in 2001 and the Cardiovascular Research Award in 2003. He also presented the first NAMS/Wulf H. Utian Endowed Lecture, Estrogen Effects on Arteries Vary With Stage of Reproductive Life, in 2006. Dr. Clarkson was elected by the membership to serve two terms on the Board of Trustees (2007-2009 and 2010-2012). He was instrumental in organizing the first NAMS/Utian Translational Science Symposium on Soy and Soy Isoflavones in 2010. He was the driving force in securing funding from the National Institute on Aging, the Office of Research on Women’s Health, and the National Institutes of Health to support the Pre-Meeting Symposium, Depressive Symptoms and Cognitive Complaints in the Menopausal Transition: Science and Clinical Transition, in 2009.

In April 2015, on the occasion of his retirement from Wake Forest University, NAMS recognized Dr. Clarkson for his exceptional contributions to the field of menopause and to the Society by bestowing him with a lifetime Honorary Membership in the Society. He was also recognized by NAMS in 2010 when the Society established the NAMS/Thomas B. Clarkson Outstanding Clinical and Basic Science Research Award fund.

Dr. Clarkson was Professor Emeritus of Comparative Medicine (Pathology) and was internationally recognized for his groundbreaking research in the areas of atherosclerosis and women’s health. He had been a member of the Wake Forest School of Medicine faculty since 1957 and helped to develop one of the nation’s leading biomedical research programs. He was instrumental to Wake Forest’s rise to prominence in Comparative Medicine through studies of animal models to understand human diseases.

Beginning in 1964, he developed what became the 200-acre Clarkson Campus as home for the Center for Comparative Medicine Research. It is recognized today as one of the world’s top facilities for animal research.
Friends and colleagues remember Dr. Clarkson:

“Tom Clarkson was a wonderful mentor, colleague, and friend for many years. There are countless others from around the globe whom he educated, taught, and mentored, and untold numbers have read the results of his research and have learned so much from his publications. We will always be striving to live up to the standards he set before us.” Peter Schnatz, DO, FACOG, FACP, NCMP

“Tom Clarkson changed forever the way we think about estrogen and the heart. He was an amazing person, with a down-to-earth way of explaining his scientific research. He will be sadly missed by all. JoAnn V. Pinkerton, MD, NCMP

“Tom Clarkson was one of the greats. He had one of the most auspicious careers of anyone I have ever met and made an enormous difference to the world of women’s health. He was one of the key pioneers of true scientific research into menopause and demonstrated a unique ability to translate basic science research into clinical applications and practice.” Wulf H. Utian, MD, PhD, DSc(Med)

“Looking at the field of menopause research, it’s fair to say that Dr. Clarkson’s science built much of its foundation, and his academic offspring are at its forefront. He was an incredible mentor and a kind and generous scientist.” Pauline M. Maki, PhD

“He was an amazing researcher and icon who crossed over into several fields of research. A clear example of his brilliance was his ability to take a complicated concept and effectively explain it all. He did this with charm, humor, and modesty. His impact on the field of menopause is immeasurable and enduring.” Sheryl A. Kingsberg, PhD

“He invited me to Wake Forest to present my work, to give his team a different perspective, because he believed that new perspectives shake loose new ideas. I was fortunate to go twice over the years and had the pleasure of getting to know his wife and meeting his miniature horses. I will always remember him with fondness.” Lynnette Leidy Sievert, PhD

“Tom Clarkson was a giant in the field but was always very humble about his accomplishments. His trainees will be a future tribute to his contributions to our understanding of menopause and its management.” James H. Liu, MD, NCMP

“I can clearly remember meeting him and having an ‘aha’ moment as he talked about windows of opportunity. He was such a stellar, humble, and gracious colleague.” Marla Shapiro, MDCM, FCFP, NCMP, CM

“A titan in how he impacted our knowledge and a thoughtful and humble man on a personal level. Tom Clarkson is a loss in our field.” Andrew M. Kaunitz, MD, FACOG, NCMP

“One of my first memories of Tom Clarkson are of his speaking at the American Heart Association meeting. He had such an amazingly rigorous approach to his studies of hormones and cardiovascular disease that advanced our thinking. He will be missed.” Katherine M. Newton, PhD

“Tom Clarkson was amazing and has left an indelible mark on women’s health. He was such an accomplished, committed researcher that moved our field forward with his work. He will truly be missed, but his legacy will stand.” Gloria Richard-Davis, MD, FACOG

“A truly wonderful man who not only had great impact but was a gracious and generous mentor.” Nanette Santoro, MD

Dr. Clarkson is survived by his wife, JoAnn Harrison Clarkson, whom he loved and cherished for more than 65 years; his three children, Thomas B. Clarkson III, Stan Clarkson, and Becky Clarkson Barger; and his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Memorials may be made to the Star of Bethlehem Lutheran Church; 1355 Jonestown Road; Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 27103. Donations may also be made to NAMS in support of the NAMS/Thomas B. Clarkson Outstanding Clinical and Basic Science Research Award, which is designed to recognize a NAMS outstanding menopause-related clinical or basic science researcher by providing registration to attend the Annual Meeting. Support is also encouraged to expand this award in the future. Additional funding could allow NAMS to support presentations by young clinical, basic science, or translational researchers at the Annual Meeting through a Thomas B. Clarkson Young Investigator Research Award.
The North American Menopause Society
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